Good morning, everyone! It's Wednesday, which means another ABC post. My choice today should probably be
LATE, since most of the ABC bloggers in the UK and across the world have long since posted. But we arrived home late last night after a wonderful week spent with Older Daughter in Arizona, and now I need to unpack, do laundry, run errands--all those post-vacation chores that make you wish you were still on vacation. So I'm going to turn today's post over to someone who's been wanting to have his say here.
L is also for
Lonely . . .

Hi, everybody; I'm Coconut. I'm so excited--Grandma Rose said she was too busy to write something today, so she asked me to. I've never even been allowed to get on the keyboard before; this is fun! I am so glad Grandma is home. Sophie and me have been very
lonely the last week.

Grandma and Grandpa went to some place called Arizona to visit my Mommy's sister. I'm not sure where Arizona is, but Grandma says I probably wouldn't like it. It's very hot and has lots of plants called cactuses that have sharp sticker things all over them.

Grandma also went to visit Mommy's sister's family. She has two dogs--Odie, my friend who used to live here, and a big dog named Bear I've never seen. But in Grandma's pictures he looks ginormous! I think I'm glad he doesn't live here.

But sometimes I miss Odie. He used to play with me and almost always let me win our games. Now this little puppy who's not so little anymore lives with me. Her name is Sophie, and sometimes she's fun, but mostly she's kind of a pain. I let her play with my toys, but she isn't very good at sharing, and whatever I have, she wants, too. But I draw the line at letting her have my blankie!

I know she looks sweet and innocent, but trust me, she can be real ornery! While Grandpa and Grandma were gone, Mommy was here. I love my mom, especially when she takes me on rides to McDonald's and Dairy Queen or to go play with her boyfriend's dog, LuLu. But she is gone a lot during the day, so it gets kind of boring . And I have to put up with Sophie. I try to get her to behave but while Grandma was gone, Sophie ate an even
bigger hole in the hallway carpet. Boy, is she in trouble!

Tomorrow Grandma says she is taking Sophie to get spaded. I don't know what that is, but I hope it means she's going to learn some manners--she needs some! All the cats are my friends, and I am trying to teach Sophie how to play nice with them, but sometimes she gets too rambuncshousious. Tarzan is teaching her that cats can't be bossed around.

Grandma says she had a good time in Arizona, but she's happy to be home to see her flowers. I am glad, too, because it means in the morning we get to walk around a lot and look at the garden and check everything out, like these pretty purple flowers that started to bloom while Grandma was gone. I help her a lot in the garden--and I know better than to dig in it, like Sophie does.

Grandma says today is supposed to be about the letter
L, and she would have had the perfect
L if she had had time to go through all her vacation pictures. I think she said the word leopardordapata . . . or something like that. She said it means butterflies. She will probably show some pictures of them some time soon. She also told me to tell you that she would try to visit everybody during the next couple of days and to remind you that ABC Wednesday is brought to you by a nice lady named
Mrs. Nesbitt.
It was nice to meet all of you. I would tell you more about me, but I think I hear Sophie eating the carpet again. I'd better go . . . Bye!
ReplyDeleteLove your "L" post! Really cute! Seems you were really missed!! Have a great day!!
Hi Coconut. That was a good post! Good dog! It's nice you get along so well with the cats in your house, and I think Tarzan will help Sophie get into line. SHe's young yet and I bet she'll learn to share better soon!
ReplyDeleteDear little Coconut. You did a marvelous post. I am so glad to meet you and see all the doggies in the family. Even that mean Sophie. Those big dogs need lots of exercise and obedience training to become sweet like you. The letter L suites you since you are a love little dog.
ReplyDeleteTell your Grandma that I think the daffodils and hyacinths will be just fine in the frosty mornings. Mine did just fine.
It's always hard to leave the pets - oops - other members of the family. But what a welcome we get when we return. Great post.
ReplyDeleteCoconut looks so happy. Your pet photos are so funny – you really capture character.
ReplyDeleteThank-you for such a nice post, Coconut! I'm sure your Grandma appreciates you watching over things while she was gone! I'm sure that Sophie will calm down a little more as she gets older. As far as Bear, I think he looks very friendly even if he is ginormous! I'm looking forward to seeing your Grandma's pictures from Arizona.
ReplyDeleteHi Coconut! You dear well behaved and gracious to cats puppy, would you please tell Rose we are glad she had a good time out west and that we are very glad she's back in town. Lovely photos, too. Another L word and much better for you then lonely. gail
ReplyDeleteHi Coconut! What a good little helper you are to Grandma Rose! She's lucky to have such a sweetheart around!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you Coconut. LOL I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one with a naughty dog (and cat). In fact the letter 'N' for naughty is the letter of every day here;)
Hello, Coconut! Welcome to Sunday Scribblings. I hope you will get to the keyboard many times to tell us more about you and Sophie. Say hello to Grandma Rose for me.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! I'm going to have to plant Forkius Plasticus now, as the citrus rinds didn't seem to deter the feral cats. So you don't need to try THAT. Just keep planting forks! :)
ReplyDeleteCoconut & Sophie are so cute! Sophie was probably suffering from separation anxiety when she chewed the hole in the carpet. Then again, she might just have been behaving like a puppy. I bet they are happy to have "Grandma" back.
ReplyDeleteSherrie, Thanks for dropping by! Yes, I got lots of slobbery kisses for a welcome home:)
ReplyDeleteMonica, Coconut is very good with the cats; though he tries to be bossy at times, they know how to put him in his place:) Sophie is really funny--she wants to be friends with them, but is a little too active for them to completely trust her.
Lisa, Thank you. My Grandma says I used to chew things up, too, especially shoes. But I don't remember that. Sophie likes newspapers and carpet instead. I'll tell Grandma about the flowers,
Commonweeder, I missed the dogs more than any other members of the family while gone. Please don't tell my family that:)
Sarah, The picture of Coconut fits him to a T only because he was waiting for a treat:)
Laura, Thank you! I sure hope Sophie calms down one of these days. Grandma says Bear is just a big Teddy Bear, even if he weighs over 130 pounds. That's pretty big, isn't it?
Gail, Thank you--I think I'm a pretty well-behaved guy, though Grandma says I'm spoiled. But I'm not; it's just that my Mommy gives me everything I want:) Grandma had a good time, but she is running around acting kind of crazy trying to catch up around here.
Tina, I do my best. I try to keep Sophie in line, but she's not very good at listening yet. Boy, she wears me out.
Dear Coconut......Well done.....it would seem that you have kept everything going while Grandma was away.....
ReplyDeleteNaughty Sophie eating the carpet....I bet you didn't do anything like that when you were a puppy. You are way to cute......with the face of an angel......
I have shown Nella your post and she want to know when she can do a doggy write up......I passed on that, as wildlife isn't her thing....apart from chasing or eating it!!!
Tell dear Rose I am glad she is back safe and well....and hope that she has had lots of fun......
Lots of pats from me Coconut and a lick from Nella the terrier.....
Marnie, I'm not sure where N comes in the alphabet, but Grandma sure could use "naughty" for that letter. She could take pictures of the hallway, the papers in the living room, the clothes in the office...Sophie makes a mess wherever she goes!
LOL! I'm looking forward to the leopardordapata - I love butterflies and moths!
ReplyDeleteFun post! On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)
Granny Smith, Thank you for visiting. I think I like to scribble--maybe Grandma will let me write again sometime. But she always spends time on here writing about flowers. I like to smell the flowers, but not spend all my time with them.
Tumblewords, Darn, I had hoped the citrus rinds would work. The plastic forks actually are usually covered up by plants, though my grandchildren sometimes look at me funny when they inspect my garden closely:)
ReplyDeleteMMD, I'm sure a lot of Sophie's antics had to do with missing me. I had planned this vacation long before she arrived. It didn't help that Daughter didn't want to put her in a crate when she was gone.
Cheryl, Thank you; I tried my best to keep everything in order here, but I sure missed my Grandma. I'm glad she is back. I don't remember ever doing anything bad, though Grandma says I chewed a little hole in the carpet that Sophie has now destroyed. Grandma says to tell you that she saw the butterfly exhibit in Phoenix and has lots of pictures of pretty butterflies to share soon. Give a hug and kiss to Nella; I think I would like her very much.
Jay, I hope to have the butterflies post up by Friday! Thanks for hosting; I know you're a dog lover, too, so I hope you enjoyed meeting my whole "family."
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute way of telling your story and the pictures are great for the letter L.
ReplyDeleteCoconut is positivly smiling in that second photo down!! Love the cactus pic too.
ReplyDeleteLovely post, great to have you back :)
(did you miss much in your garden while you were away?)
Oh, Coconut, you are a darling! You will have to be patient with Sophie: she is only a baby, not a big growed-up dog like you.
ReplyDeleteAnd what lovely photos you have chosen to show us. I do like those blue flowers, and don't they smell just lovely?
You look after your grandma now! George says a big woof to you and sophie!
Coconut hang in there. After Sophie gets spaded she may be a lot more fun to play with!
ReplyDeleteCoconut, you write just like you act-bouncy, bouncy. I love it! So full of enthusiasm and joy now that Grandma is home. I have missed her to, but knew she deserved a vacation. Hope you can teach Sophie to e as good a dog as you are.
ReplyDeleteL is for lovely, which you are Coconut! Sophie looks like a sweety too, but I understand how it is with siblings. You need to come visit my dog Bocephus and explain to him why I get mad when he digs holes in the garden--or worse, digs up new plants!
ReplyDeleteI hope Sophie is recovering nicely from being "spaded". When my daughter was little, she called it "shoveled", and the term has stuck in our family. LOL!
Glad you had a good trip, and are home safe and sound.
Photowannabe, Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSuburbia, It's good to be home, because I missed the dogs:) I didn't miss much in the garden, other than some snow. Spring in Illinois is very unpredictable!
Liz, I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard. I'm used to being able to boss bigger dogs around, but Sophie is very stubborn. I think I would have fun playing with George, though.
Susie, Grandma took Sophie away this morning. She said she's at the vet; as long as I don't have to go, it's ok--I'll finally have a day of peace and quiet here.
Beckie, Hi! When are you going to come visit me again? I missed Grandma sooo much. I hope next time she takes me with her on vacation.
MG, Coconut is so good in the garden; he just isn't a digger. It's the cats who cause more problems for me. When I was younger, I thought the word really was "spaded":)
ReplyDeleteCoconut it was very sweet of you to guest post for your Grandma Rose so she could finish up her unpacking from the trip. I'm sure she missed you very much while she was away. ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, Coconut, you did a great job! I hope Sophie will behave better from now on and she won't bother you as much!
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend, I love nature too. Don't forget to visit my blog. you and all of your friends are invited. I really appreciate your support. Thanks...
ReplyDeleteI really Liked this clever post, Rose. Looking forward to seeing your vacation photos. Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteLovely Rose ! All those doggies and other critters! Thanks for your comment! Have a blessed Easter weekend!
ReplyDeleteRacquel, Thank you very much. Grandma got all her things unpacked, but now she is chasing Sophie around who keeps taking this funny cone-thing off her head.
Mara, Sophie came home from the vet with this weird cone on her head. She's still being ornery, but Grandma says I have to be extra nice to her for awhile because she has an owie.
D'Rimba, Thanks for stopping by! I will leave a comment on your blog as soon as I figure out the translator button:)
ReplyDeleteJoey, I have so many pictures to go through; it may take awhile. A Happy Easter to you, too!
Reader Wil, There's never a dull moment at our house:)
Hi Coconut, you did a very good job with your first posting. I say Grandma should let you do it often. Lonely is a sad word, and you portrayed it well, even while having to put up with that upstart Sophie. Maybe spaying (you don't want to know what that is!) will settle her down some, if not teach her some manners. I do believe Grandma was very happy to get back to her own flowers too. The butterflies will return to her garden when the time is right. :-)
This was so funny : ). And delightful!
ReplyDeleteFrances, Grandma was happy to get back to her garden and see some flowers blooming. I hope it warms up so I can work out there with her. Sophie came back from the vet yesterday, but she's still ornery...
Life with Kaishon, Glad you liked it. The only tricksters here are the animals:)
Oh my god Rose (I'm just cathcing up with posts I missed now .. go figure .. I'm sitting here in my cat and dog pajamas, perfect eh ?)
ReplyDeleteI love reading Coconut's take on life with her relatives .. too funny .. hope Sophie is doing well after the big operation .. my girls say at least she still has her front nails right ? eeuuuwww ! I know .. I cringe too.. but my girls have a good life here, besides their back claws do enough damge to the leather furniture as it is, and they can still scratch their assorted body parts with them too !
I love all the animals!!