It is Wednesday once again, and this week we have reached the letter
C. I decided it was about time to feature a very important member of our family . . .
. . . CoconutActually, Coconut demanded equal time after noticing I frequently write about and include photos of Toby the cat. Toby has even been allowed to guest host on this blog, not
once but
twice. Although quite intelligent, Coconut has not mastered the computer as Toby has--in fact, he can't even reach it--so he won't be doing any writing here.
Coconut is a Pomeranian and is the only Canine we've had who isn't some sort of rescue dog. Even though I am the one who spends the most time with him and sees to most of his needs, he actually belongs to youngest Daughter and fits her personality quite well (picture Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde"). To be fair to Coconut, he really has a sweet disposition even if he likes to be the center of attention.

Unlike Toby who immediately finds a hiding spot whenever the grandkids come over, Coconut enjoys playing with them. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they think it's great fun to give him treats.

When youngest grandson, now 18 months, was born, Coconut sniffed him over--under careful supervision, of course--and gave his approval, although he suffered from typical sibling rivalry every time I held the baby. Now that little grandson is a little older, Coconut has developed a real fondness for him and likes to sit near him at meal time, waiting for the tidbits of food that are sure to fall to the floor. However, Coconut draws the line at sharing his toys--no one better touch his favorite blanket or Princess the pink poodle!

Coconut loves spending time outside and helping me in the garden. Although small in stature, he is not easily intimidated and is eager to help me. No rascally rabbit or scheming squirrel dares to venture into the garden when Coconut is on guard duty!

His long winter coat helps keep him warm in the winter, but even he was hesitant to go outside today unless absolutely necessary. No venturing to the perimeters of the yard today for his usual check for strange wildlife smells. Today the operative word is

This is the same part of the garden I showed on Sunday's post, but instead of a foot of snow, there is now a four-foot drift in the garden and on the driveway. We really haven't had that much extra snow, but the strong winds since last night have blown relentlessly, sending chills right through the heaviest winter coat and blowing across roads, creating hazardous driving conditions. It's 10 F as I write this with a predicted wind chill of -10 tonight. I know we're not the only ones enduring the snow, as I've seen snow on posts from southern
Tennessee to the
UK. Better times are ahead, though--temperatures are supposed to reach the 50's by this weekend . . . I'll believe it when I see it.
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Just a note: I try to reply to all comments and visit anyone who stops by here. But lately I have been having trouble leaving comments on some blogs, getting an error message on my computer. Has anyone else had this problem? I do appreciate your comments, and I have returned the visit even if I haven't been able to leave a comment.
Coconut is such a lovely little dog. I have fallen in love with him!
ReplyDeleteI have some difficulty too with comments every now & then when word verification doesn't show up. It can happen on any one's blog. I find if I leave the problem blog & then go back, everything seems OK. I rarely have ongoing problems.
Pomeranians are so nice - incredibly that such a small dog can bark that loud and some really have a temper. My Family used to have a tan Pomeranian and I loved it too.
ReplyDeleteIf you looked at just the fluff you might think there was a cat under there. Coconut sure is cute Rose.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I can't seem to leave a message on most typepad accounts. I don't know what that is all about. They must have a glich in their system.
Coconut is the perfect name for this little Canine. He is cute!!! It is cold here too. That same wind is freezing everything here. This weekend is supposed to get nice though.
ReplyDeleteHe's really cute! I always think it's adorable when dogs have their own stuffed animal.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised he would go out at all in this cold!
Isn't it amazing that we have so much in common???!!! I love that!!! and I didn't even consider Clancy...what does that tell you other than I think of him of as the "DOG" instead of "Clancy" and he actually is suffering from Kennel Cough right now.....while reading on line (after being at the vet) the shot is like being vaccinated for the flu....you might get protection or you might now...depends on the virus...soooo I will not be wasting my money again! Anyway...your dog , Coconut, is very very cute.....as is your grandchild in the photo!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had trouble leaving comments --only occasionally and then I am never sure why and hope when I come back the next time it isn’t a problem!
Maggie May, Coconut has never met anyone he didn't like:) I've found a couple blogs that I can't comment on; sometimes when I go back, I can, but other times it doesn't work. Frustrating.
ReplyDeleteNiels, Coconut isn't much of a barker, thank goodness, and he has a very sweet temperament.
Lisa, I posted a far-away photo of Coconut once, and somebody thought he was a cat:) Typepad accounts are hard for me, too. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong.
Tina, Daughter named him, and it does fit. It's supposed to be 50 here by Saturday--hooray! I'm just tired of shoveling snow.
Joyce, He likes the snow, but the wind yesterday was too much for him.
Neva, I'm glad you got to see Coconut; he and Clancy would enjoy playing together:) I've never heard of Kennel Cough, but I understand why you opted not to get the vaccination. Coconut just recovered from some kind of skin infection--he had to take antibiotics and Benadryl and wasn't himself the whole time.
What a lovely tribute to Coconut! He is beautiful and adorable! And what a beautiful colour his coat has!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading about Coconut. He is a beautiful little companion. Can't blame him for not wanting to venture out in the yard with temps like that. Brrh!!!
ReplyDeleteRegarding commenting Rose, I haven't had that problem. That's surprising tho because sometimes me and Mr. Blogger doesn't get along well. haha!
Soooo Cute!!! I just love Coconuts ;)
ReplyDeleteCoconut is such a cutie, but that 4' snow drift isn't!!
ReplyDeleteCoconut is adorable. :) That drift of snow looks very much like our front yard today. Won't it be nice when Spring finally makes an approach?
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious dog! Great name too.
ReplyDeleteRose, I'm not a dog person--I'm a "love all cats in general and some dogs in particular" kind of person. I love Coconut on first glance, and not just because he's named after a favourite food. He's very cute and I'm sure he's smart even if he can't type on the computer.
ReplyDeleteDear Rose.....I have had some problems leaving comments on some blogs, so you are not alone.....
ReplyDeleteCocounut is a lovely dog......she seems to have a sweet nature. Her coat is a beautiful colour....I expect you have to groom her regularly to stop her getting matts....
I do hope that she is happy now that she has had a post as well as dear Toby. Do give him my regards!!!
He's obviously a small dog with a huge personality! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI saw a post from McGregor's Daughter something about posts not publishing. So far today, I have had any problems.
ReplyDelete'C' is for Cute. What a sweetie.
Hi Rose,
ReplyDeleteCoconut is gorgeous...He might have to write a post, too! it would be entertaining to have his perspective on the whole..."What do you mean stay out of the flower bed". Btw, yes I occasionally have trouble and have had some today and last night.
Goodness, please keep safe and warm. The windchill was -5 yesterday!
Cute, cute Coconut! (and what a cute name). You have alot of snow there....
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute!
ReplyDeleteWow, that snow drift is pretty awsome! We have had about an inch here and everything is almost at a standstill!!!! More forcast tonight apparently.
What a great name for such a handsome dog. We have a lot of Pomeranians living in our apt. complex but yours is an especially pretty color.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us!
p.s. I lived 14 years in Chicago. Nice to see what's growing in your garden.
James and Fiona (cats) would like to cite Coconut's inability to type and lack of judgment when hiding from children as proof that cats are superior to dogs. I tried to talk them out of leaving this inflammatory comment, to no avail! ;=)
ReplyDeleteP.S. the word verification was "egran," which must be a computer-literate grandmother. I like it!
What a cutie! Coconut looks lively, for sure. Too bad she's unable to get outside much. Your snow drifts are ridiculously high.
ReplyDeleteI hope the temps rise to OVER 50 for you this weekend, Rose.
I have not had trouble commenting. It's probably a "Blogger" mix-up.
Hi Rose, Coconut is a beautiful dog and he sounds very sweet, as well. I don't participate in all the memes you do, I have enough trouble keeping up at blotanical! You really have a lot of snow, and when it drifts it really does strange things! My husbands family lives in Maine and they have so much there's no place to put it now when the driveway gets plowed. It has to be taken away...
ReplyDeleteBlogger really bugs me lately, I'm glad it's there so we can use it, but...I lost over 10 comments that people left me, when I hit the button to publish them to my blog, they just disappeared. I felt bad about it so I waited all day to publish more, for fear they'd vanish as well. It seems to working ok now, but I'm a bit leary.
Whenever I have a problem leaving a message for someone else, sometimes the word verification won't show up. So, I click on the little wheelchair guy, and either something pops up, OR, I type in a comma (literally a (,) and then an actual word shows up for me to type in.
Don't know if that helps, but that's what I've been doing:)
Cute dog and he seems to know he is king of the roost. Just looking at your snow drifts makes me cold.
ReplyDeleteI am sure Coconut is thrilled to get a post of his own-finally. Now he can hold his head up when he is around Toby. :)
ReplyDeleteI was surprise by how much the roads ahd drifted and by the white outs after leaving you Tues. I was wondering if you made it up your lane. But I guess you did or you wouldn't be posting.
Reader Wil, Coconut was pure white when he was young, but as he's matured, it has some gold in it. My hair seems to be doing just the opposite:)
ReplyDeleteSusie, It's supposed to warm up this weekend, but it will take a lost of sunshine to melt this snow!
Lene, Thank you!
Flydragon, I thought of you as I was shoveling the other day--there was a four-foot drift behind my car as well!
Nancy, Coconut and Toby are good friends, too--that is, Toby tolerates him. I am ready for Spring, for sure!
Darla, Thank you.
Jodi, I used to be just a cat person, but I've been won over by a few precious dogs in our family in the last ten years. Yes, Coconut is quite intelligent.
Cheryl, Daughter takes Coconut to be professionally groomed every so often. The picture on the grass shows him after a summer "haircut" because his fur had gotten matted. He's not very fond of a brushing. He loves to be see what I am doing at all times.
ReplyDeleteDragonstar, That's a perfect way to describe him!
Marnie, I'll have to check out MMD's post. There are just a few blogs I can't leave a comment on, so it's strange.
Gail, I was going to let him "write" this post, but fatigue set in:) The cold and snow seem to be hitting everywhere.
Carol, We have more than enough snow to share with anyone who'd like some:)
Suburbia, I've seen the snow on several UK posts; I bet the kids love it, though.
Nonizamboni, Thank you; he's also very sweet-tempered, which not all Pomeranians are. Not much growing in my garden right now except snow:)
Monica, I don't know if you saw the posts that Toby wrote, but he would definitely agree with Fiona and James:)
ReplyDeleteMary, Coconut does like to go outside and manages to get through the snow without getting stuck. But Tuesday was ridiculous. It's supposed to be 50 by the weekend--hooray!
Jan, You know I had trouble leaving a comment on your blog for some time, now I don't have any trouble at all. But there are a few others where I get the same error message. I thought it might be my computer, but I'm beginning to think it's blogger--so frustrating!
Photowannabe, Coconut is definitely king of the roost around here!
Beckie, I was going to have Coconut write this, but I was too tired Tues. night to be creative. It must have been driving up my lane:) Actually, it wasn't that bad going home, but I'm ready for some of this snow to melt.
Hi Rose, what a dear little dog. I do bet he keeps those squirrels and other varmints at bay. I love the shot with the grandson, so sweet, both of them. Your snow drifts are too impressive for me. And poor Coconut would be buried alive! Thanks for the link love, don't you just love that term? You are a sweetie, now just keep warm and safe until spring comes back. :-)
Burrr it looks Cold there! I am so glad that Coconut has a beautiful fur coat to wear in the snow! Now you need to let Coconut shine through with a post of his own. I say pull up a booster seat and let him go to town on the keyboard! Am sure he has a lot to say about Toby... :-)
ReplyDeleteDear Rose....just to let you know that I have sent an email to thank you properly for my gifts and beautiful card......
ReplyDeleteCoconut is so Cute! My brother had a Cat called Toby when we were growing up. Great Cat name. It is bitter COLD here too. I had some problems posting Comments on a typepad blog –Each Little World.
ReplyDeleteCoconut is so cute! I had a Pomeranian named Buttons. He was such a sneaky thief, always stealing and hiding our belongings.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found the bird feeder! I hadn't thought of vegetable oil for the suction cups.
Frances, Coconut is fiercer than he looks, or so he pretends to be. I just read it's supposed to be in the 60's in Tennessee this weekend--I am so envious.
ReplyDeleteSkeeter, You're not the only one who said Coconut needs a post of his own. I guess I'll have to find some time to teach him how to type:)
Cheryl, I will check my e-mail right away:)
Sarah, Toby seems to be a popular cat name, I've noticed. I think the groundhog was right in crawling back into his hole:)
Robin, Coconut loves to stash toys and his treats; when he was a puppy, he had a fetish with shoes. That's funny--our first dog was a mixed breed named Buttons! I'm really enjoying the bird feeder.
What lovely pictures! And what a cute dog! Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from London.
Lol - Coconut does the same thing with his blanket as my dog Merlin -
ReplyDelete(Merlin is a German Spitz)
(An Artist's Garden)
What a sweet little dog! And I love the name "Coconut", very unique! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not usually keen on small dogs, but Coconut is gorgeous. I could take to him. He's so handsome.
ReplyDeleteYour snow is very impressive. We had about 4 inches, earlier in the week. A little melted, but then we had a couple more inches, today. It's supposed to freeze tonight, so I don't think we'll be going very far tomorrow. My boots don't seem to be very good and I keep slipping everywhere. I don't want to break myself, so I'm going to be careful. ;0)
I have more problems trying to get onto some people's blogs, when I use my small notebook computer. I can't get onto 'Granny on the Web' at all, however, which is most frustrating. I keep getting an error message from Internet Explorer. I'm sure that it's something she has downloaded onto her blog, such as a music player, or something like that.
Aw Rose, Coconut is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteI hope your weather has taken a turn for the better now - that snow drift was formidable!
It's 43 here now with 50's expected tomorrow - hopefully most of the white stuff will melt. Have a great (hopefully warmer,) weekend!
Coconut is beautiful!! Love his pure white fur.
ReplyDeleteI got some weird stuff happening at blogger too. The latest - I hadn't read this post, but got some comments in my email box! LOL. I think there are gremlins going round!
Have a nice weekend.
what a cutie putie, coconut is. it is great he gets along with all the grands.
ReplyDeletewe had our first warm day today in soooo long.
A Cuban, Thank you, and thanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteKaren, Does Merlin do tricks with his blanket?:)
Racquel, I can't take credit for his name--Daughter chose that.
Mean Mom, I've seen so many UK posts about the snow--it must be quite a surprise! I get those error messages on certain blogs, too--it might be the music; wonder if I could turn those off.
Linda, The temperatures were up yesterday, and this morning much of the snow has melted. Hooray!
Wendy, That is strange! I'm not very good at all the technical stuff, so I always wonder if I am doing something wrong. Just so there are no viruses around.
Marmee, He loves attention, so the grands get along just fine with him. It's finally warming up here, too!
Coconut's so cute! Thanks for introducing him to us, but shhhh! don't tell Toby!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing who you invite to your dinner party :)
I love it when people post about their animals. Coconut looks so sweet. I am a real dog lover. We have 3 dogs.I think we will always have a dog. We also had a cat for 14 years. Along with alot of saltwater and freshwater fish, and a turtle. We have our own little pet shop here!!!LOL But the dogs do keep things interesting!!! Have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteHi Rose .. I love Coconut and I'm not really a dog person (for which the girls are forever grateful ? LOL).. but he is precious and I suspect a lot of laughs too ? I understand Toby must remain dignified .. so he must silently crack up at this "silly" dog at times ? ..
ReplyDeleteCute post .. gave me a BIG smile !
Oh Coconut is a sweetheart! Daughter-in-law's parents have a pom who is absolutely manic! And very lovely.