Oldest Grandson really got into the spirit. But at one point in the decorating, this became a contest to see just who could put the most frosting on one cookie.

I think he won:)

Sophie couldn't help with cookies, but oh, did she love having the grandkids here! Since this was her first Christmas with us, she wasn't sure what all the fuss was about, but soon got into the spirit of the season. Hmm, I wonder how those holes got in my brand new tree skirt . . .

Of course, there was a stocking just for her, and she enjoyed her new toys. Toby and Tarzan opened their presents a little early--the catnip mice in their stocking were just too tempting, and I caved in to their curious sniffings and pawings before Christmas Eve.

As is our custom, the immediate family gathers here after Christmas Eve services, and the cleaned and decorated house soon deteriorates into pure chaos as packages are ripped open. Youngest Grandson is now ready to do some serious farming. Notice Sophie to the left--she's always ready to play with Grandson and his neat toys. At one point we had to hastily retrieve the puck from his new hockey set from her before it turned into doggy fiber.

All the toys were inspected and tried out--hockey pucks went flying, and a new scooter raced through the basement family room. But the most fun of all? No, not a new, expensive toy--but empty wrapping paper rolls! A jousting contest with them provided the most entertainment of the evening. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend a lot of money on presents:)

The day after Christmas we gathered again at my parents' house, along with my brother and his family. Cousins got a chance to see each other again and play together.

My parents love nothing better than a house filled with the laughter of children. My Dad does his part by sharing one of his trademark "corny" jokes with Granddaughter.